Wednesday, July 12, 2006


207 Days and Counting

Soft Fascism
David Swanson over at OpEdNews was more successful than Diogenes of ancient Greece in finding an honest man. The man is none other than Texas Congressman Ron Paul who Swanson writes about in Republican Congressman Says Bush Should Be Removed from Office.
A radio show reported yesterday that Republican Texas Congressman Ron Paul said the following:

"I would have trouble arguing that he's been a Constitutional President, and once you violate the Constitution and be proven to do that I think these people should be removed from office."

And this: "Congress has generously ignored the Constitution while the President flaunts it, the courts have ignored it and they get in the business of legislating so there's no respect for the rule of law."

And Paul said the United States had entered a period of "soft fascism."

I phoned up Congressman Paul's communications director [Jeff Deist] in Washington this morning. More than confirming this report, I wanted to ask Rep. Paul why he would declare that the President should be removed from office, yet fail to introduce an article of impeachment or even sign onto Congressman John Conyers' (D., Mich.) bill, H. Res. 635, to create a preliminary investigation.

While Deist made it very clear through his defensiveness and hostility that I'd never get an interview on this topic, I'm not sure it wouldn't have an impact if, say, 10,000 people sent an Email to that address thanking Paul for his statements and asking him to do more than talk. Can you do that please?
I'd like to second Swanson's motion and invite you to write an encouraging email to Congressman Paul and get the bipartisan impeachment ball rolling!

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