Sunday, May 28, 2006


161 Days and Counting

Whenever I discuss this issue on other blogs, the false dichotomy of left versus right immediately knocks the discussion off track. Friends, sanctioning criminality is not a partisan issue! The closest I’ve been able to get to agreement with the defenders of Bush’s warrantless wiretapping is on the subject of illegal immigration. I’ve even started looking for talk of impeachment on so-called Right wing websites, like News By Us, not news bias, Commentary, News Analysis and Opinion on the right side of the page, based in Boise, Idaho.

Here’s an example of how incensed a normal, red-blooded American “on the right side of the page” gets when the issue is “foreign nationals illegally on our soil.” The author of The North American What?, David Tatosian, sounds like me when he talks about The betrayal, treasonous acts and crimes committed by Mr. Bush and asks Should we call for his impeachment?

He even takes on criminal enabler Number 1, Alberto Gonzales:
Clearly, when it comes to illegal aliens Mr. Gonzales, like Mr. Bush, feels flagrant criminality is a social, rather than a law enforcement issue.
Clearly, when it comes to illegal wiretapping Mr. Gonzales, like Mr. Bush, feels flagrant criminality is a convenience, rather than a law enforcement issue.

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