Saturday, April 15, 2006


118 Days and Counting

As Bush Supporters, War Opponents, Plan Weekend Events In Crawford Area, it's good to know that not all Texans agree with my friend Chas from Dallas.

Go to today's Dallas Morning News (subscription req'd) Letters for Saturday 08:04 AM CDT on Saturday, April 15, 2006, and scoll down to:
Where's the outrage?

Re: "Tehran's Threat – Iraq war complicates our dealings with Iran," Wednesday Editorials.

It is astounding that this editorial finally admits that the Iraq war was prompted by an administration that ignored intelligence estimates warning that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction.

Instead of a resounding demand for the resignation or impeachment of President Bush and his guard, you tell us we have a right to be skeptical of the administration's ability to correctly judge and prepare for the contingencies of a Middle East war. You conclude that prior miscalculations make it more difficult for the president to rally the nation and the world to deal with the Iranian menace.

Miscalculations my foot! If there ever were high crimes and misdemeanors in our nation's history, they are now at hand. Have you no sense of outrage for the incredible carnage that this administration has caused?

Raymond McQueen, Dallas

Will the prediction of Chas from Dallas (Impeachment will begin on April 21, 2006) come true? Keep watching this space to find out!

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