Tuesday, April 11, 2006


115 Days and Counting

We are closing in on Day 124 which will arrive on April 21, 2006. The significance of Day 124 is explained in my posting on Day 8 (Sunday, December 25, 2005) when I wrote the following, inspired by my friend Chas (Jeremiah's Helper) in Dallas, Texas.
Last Tuesday I told Chas I was going to create this blog based on the question "how many days will it take for a Republican Congress to Impeach a Republican President?"

Chas replied, "Probably just as long as it took a Republican congress to impeach a Democratic one!"
Since our Do Nothing (except break the law) Republican Congress will be ON VACATION on Friday, April 21, 2006, I'll give them an extension (not an amnesty) until Monday, April 24, 2006 to begin Impeachment proceedings!

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