Monday, March 13, 2006


Day 86 and Counting

This morning, I received a message from Senator Russ Feingold and another from Representative John Conyers. After taking the actions they requested, I wrote the following letter to my local newspaper:
Impeachment Now

Tomorrow the President of the United States will visit the Rochester area. Yesterday, Senator Feingold called for the Senate to censure the President for his illegal spying on Americans. It was 85 days ago that Congressman John Conyers introduced House Resolution 635: A resolution creating a select committee ... to make recommendations regarding grounds for possible impeachment. Now is the time for our Congressional representatives to get behind Conyers and Feingold.

On December 19, 2005, I heard George W. Bush say that he authorized a program of illegal intercepts in 2001; that he had reauthorized this program more than 30 times since; and that he intends to continue this illegal activity in the future. Since then, the President, the Vice President and the Attorney General have lied about the supposed legal basis for this illegal activity. Every other competent lawyer has said that it is a violation of the law of the land.

If we are silent now, we are complicit in this impeachable violation of American law.
Act Now on Impeachment!

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