Monday, February 20, 2006


Day 65 and Counting

Please read Time to impeach Bush by Bonnie Erbe.

One of my commenters says that "the wiretapping issue is fizzling out." Ms Erbe addresses that comment as follows:
Those blasphemously "liberal" media outlets have once again deprived the American public of widespread coverage of nothing less than startling poll results. The non-partisan polling firm Zogby International last month found that by a margin of 52 percent to 43 percent, Americans want Congress to consider impeaching President Bush "if he wiretapped American citizens without a judge's approval."

But grassroots passion for impeachment prompted by this president's circumvention of Congress and the Constitution is what's driving growing public support. And America's transition from "Bush fan" to "Bush foe" is being ignored by the mainstream media.
The point of this blog is to track how long it takes those entrusted with protecting the law of the land to do their duty. Impeach the President today.

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