Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Day 53 and Counting

After reporting on supportive comments made on Monday by Republicans in the Senate regarding the President's illegal use of the NSA to wiretap Americans, we got some good news today from at least one Republican in the House. The New York Times reports (Republican Who Oversees N.S.A. Calls for Wiretap Inquiry) that Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM) "said the House Intelligence Committee needed to conduct a painstaking review, including not only classified briefings but also access to internal documents and staff interviews with N.S.A. aides and intelligence officials." While Ms Wilson has not yet added her name to the list of co-sponsors of House Resolution 635 (see 22 US Reps Want Impeachment Probe), her call for an investigation by the Intelligence Committee of the illegal wiretapping will help lay the groundwork for the full House to move on Articles of Impeachment.

Today's other must read/listen is the Statement of Senator Russ Feingold On the President’s Warrantless Wiretapping Program which follows up on Monday's Senate hearings.
The President has broken the law, and he has made it clear that he will continue to do so. But the President is not a king. And the Congress is not a king’s court. Our job is not to stand up and cheer when the President breaks the law. Our job is to stand up and demand accountability, to stand up and check the power of an out-of-control executive branch.
The Senator's bottom line is the same as mine: "This program is breaking the law, and this President is breaking the law." Impeach the President TODAY!

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